Snow-melt System
In its snow-melt projects, Warmia Oy uses high quality, type-approved pipes made from polyethylene (PE), with a diameter of either 20mm or 25mm. The pipes are long-lasting, and they are designed to withstand the stresses and strains of melting ice and snow.
Warmia snow-melt systems also offer more comfortable living by helping to keep driveways and the front of the garage clear, while reducing the amount of dirt that is carried back indoors.
Snow-melt system
The Warmia snow-melt system is a cost-effective way to keep areas, where traditional snow and ice damage prevention methods would not be practical, completely frost-free. Such areas include, for example: city centres, areas where damage caused by winter sanding is significant, vehicle access ramps, large entrance areas and sports pitches.

Snow-melt system design
The Warmia snow-melt system design is always project-specific. The purpose, location-specific design conditions and the classification of the property/area will all have an impact on the design. The technical principle behind the snow melt-system is the uniform length of the pipe loops, which ensures effective balancing and flows. Spaces between pipes are 200, 250 or 300mm based on the required melting and drying power.
As its heat source, the snow-melt system can use district heating return water, condensate from large machinery, geothermal energy, or other similar sources, as the pipes used in the Warmia snow-melt system are protected by an oxygen diffusion barrier. The water temperature does not need to be high, approximately +40°C is sufficient. With a heat exchanger, the snow-melt system can be filled with a glycol mixture and connected to the building’s heating system. The rated power is, on average, approx. 300 W/m2.
The manifold and the heat control method are designed individually on the basis of project-specific requirements. The manifold is placed either on the building wall or underground, depending on the direction of the heat input.
Installation of the snow-melt system
The Warmia snow-melt system is always mounted on a load-bearing base. The base can be concrete, compacted soil, a layer of insulation, or asphalt. The snow melting pipe is fixed onto the base and covered with a layer of approximately 100mm of compacted stone dust or semi-dry concrete. The pipes can also be cast into concrete. The intended use and covering should determine the strength of the layer. It is important not to subject the pipe to an excessive concentrated load.
Suitable coverings over the snow-melt system are asphalt, paving, tiling or, for example, sports pitch lawn.